Magee was originally designed by Hunan Television’s Golden Eagle Cartoon network. As the first anime virtual TV host, it co-hosted shows such as “Let’s Sing Kid’s”,“人偶总动员”, and “疯狂的麦咭” In 2016, due to Hunan Television’s expansion to anime, clothing accessories, and other markets, proposals for a redesign to Magee’s character were made.
Character Development Proposal:
The character redesign proposal had two parts for two separate audiences. The first image mainly targeted children, and was used in media such as children’s books, illustrative storybooks, comic books, and animation to make a strong impression. The second image targeted a mature audience by outfitting toys of the character with brand name clothing in the latest fashions. By designing Magee with different elements, the proposals increase the appeal and acceptance of the product to multiple audiences.
Anime-style Magee
Redesigns were made according to the original character’s cuteness and recognition. The eyes were enlarged to elicit a stronger emotional response and her head proportion was increased to accentuate her cuteness. Even though Magee was meant for a younger audience, the new redesigned Magee is able to reach a broader audience thanks to enriched expressions and body language. The new anime-styled Magee can be used in a wider range of media such as anime, TV shows, and product designs.
Fashion Trend Magee
Redesigns were made according to the original character’s cuteness and recognition. The eyes were enlarged to elicit a stronger emotional response and her head proportion was increased to accentuate her cuteness. Even though Magee was meant for a younger audience, the new redesigned Magee is able to reach a broader audience thanks to enriched expressions and body language. The new anime-styled Magee can be used in a wider range of media such as anime, TV shows, and product designs.